Gaming PCB Wire Harness

Gaming PCBs and arcade PCBs, the heart of arcade machines, require precise and reliable wiring connections to function properly. In the world of arcade gaming, PCB wire harnesses play a critical role in ensuring seamless connectivity between various components of the machine.

Functions of Arcade PCB Wire Harness

1. Signal Transmission:

Wire harnesses transmit various signals such as video, audio, and control signals between the arcade PCB and other components like joysticks, buttons, and monitors.

2. Power Distribution:

They distribute power from the power supply unit to different parts of the arcade machine, ensuring stable and consistent power supply for optimal performance.

3. Organization and Management:

Gaming PCB Wire harnesses organize and manage the multitude of wires within the arcade machine, reducing clutter and minimizing the risk of tangling or damage.

What was contained?

Electrical wires of appropriate gauge and colors, connectors suitable for your arcade PCB and peripherals (JST, Molex, TE, HRS, or alternatives are available) , Heat shrink tubing, Cable tie, Required parts.